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Ozone Therapy

Ozone Therapy:
It is a medical therapy where ozone is introduced into the human body. Ozone is O3, whereas the oxygen we breath is O2. It improves the body’s intake and use of oxygen and improves the immune system through the introduction of Ozone. Ozone Therapy has been successfully used around the world to treat:
• Cancer
• Diabetes
• Stroke
• Depression
• Chronic Fatigue
• Lupus
• Fibromyalgia
…… and over 150 more diseases. In some clinics around the world, ozone is the first agent given to each and every patient that enters the clinic regardless of their ailments. Ozone addresses the key issues in almost all disease conditions, oxygen delivery, circulation and immune system functions.

Ozone Therapy has proven beneficial effects such as:
• Increasing oxygen delivery to cells, tissue and organs;
• Increasing blood circulation throughout the body;
• Detoxification;
• Boosting of the immune system
….. and much more.

The Natural Healing Process of Ozone Therapy:

Your body wants to heal, and if you provide it with what it needs to do so, it doesn’t want to stop. It continues with this process, which is good. The body’s natural desire is perfect health and we have the ability to earn our way back to that state. A healing response is when the body is in the process of eliminating toxins. To do so, the body must go through an elimination process called the healing crisis. You will probably experience a series of healing crises. One should expect this and work towards it. Reactions may be mild or they may be severe. These will continue as long as you continue to cleanse your body, until it is clean, and no more toxins enter. Of course, if you are living in a city, toxins are entering your body with every breath, without you being aware of them. Because the body has enormous capacity to store toxins before breakdown occurs, you are unaware of the entrance into your body of these toxins. (You feel old age is catching up with you, you feel less energetic and full of pains). Using ozone makes you aware of their exit, however. So, in reality, you should be happy that you are having these healing episodes, as you ‘peel back the onion’ and remove yet another layer of stored toxicity.

A healing response results when all body systems work in concert to eliminate waste products and set the stage for regeneration. Old tissues are replaced with new, and stored toxins are eliminated. A cleansing, purifying process is underway and stored wastes are more easily removed. Sometimes there is pain of greater intensity than the lower level of chronic problem gives, but it is usually of short duration.

The response will usually bring about past conditions in reverse order to the original problem. Ozone works backwards in time, meaning that usually the first things it meets are the most recent toxins, and the last things it gets to are the older, stored toxins. People often forget the diseases or injuries they have had in the past, but are usually reminded during a healing crisis. Reactions may include skin eruptions, nausea, headache, sleepiness, fatigue, diarrhoea, a cold, ear infections, boils, or any other way the body uses to eliminate toxins. The crisis usually lasts about three days, but if the energy of the person is low, it may last for a week or more.

One episode is not always enough for a complete cure. With a more serious condition there may be many small crises to go through. The person in a chronic state, who has gone through many disease processes in life, must go through these processes again. Often the crisis will come after one feels his very best, setting the stage for the action. Most people feel an energy boost the first few days. Then toxins are dumped into the blood stream for elimination by way of the liver, kidneys, spleen, skin, bladder and colon. Listen to your body and go as slowly as your body needs to, so that your cleansing is gradual and comfortable. (Doing a series of Liver Cleanses is vitally important for optimizing the body’s eliminative functions). Then the goal of optimum health can be achieved.

In a certain woman’s healing journey, she has had distinct moments of recall of the injuries she sustained at various points in her life as the healing process has extended back to that event. The last episode was an event that happened when she was 9 years old, so she was getting close to the end. There was a brief revisit of that incident, and then it was gone. This is known as retracement. This process will continue right back to the events of the day that you were born. This shows how thorough the ozone cleansing process is. After that point you will only have to deal with day to day contamination, requiring only maintenance.

The Healing Response

This reaction is also called the Cleansing Reaction, the Detox Reaction, the Healing Crisis or the Herxheimer Reaction.
The Herxheimer Reaction occurs when the body tries to eliminate toxins at a faster rate than they can be properly disposed of.
The more toxic one’s bodily systems are, the more severe the detoxification, or healing crisis/Herxheimer reaction. It is visible by a temporary increase in symptoms (which may be mild or severe and can occur immediately or within several days, or even several weeks) that usually pass within 1-3 days, but can even last for several weeks.