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What is Ozone?


Ozone is produced by nature. Oxygen (02) has only 2 atoms per molecule and ozone (03) has 3 atoms per molecule. Ozone is a colourless, reactive gas comprised of three oxygen atoms. The Earth’s atmosphere is covered by the ozonosphere. Ozone is thus a protective layer that is +/-15 – 30km above the earth. It protects against harmful effects of ultraviolet rays from the sun as well as purifies and rids the air of pollution and anaerobic micro-organisms.

“Ozone is produced constantly in the upper atmosphere as long as the sun is shining, and since ozone is heavier than air, it begins to fall earthward. As it falls, it combines with any pollutant it contacts, cleaning the air – nature’s wonderful self-cleaning system. If ozone contacts water vapor as it falls, it forms hydrogen peroxide, a component of rainwater, and the reason why rainwater causes plants to grow better than irrigation. Ozone is also created by lightning. This ozone is what gives the air the wonderful fresh smell after a rain and is of the highest benefit to anyone fortunate enough to be breathing it. Ozone is also created by waterfalls and crashing surf, which accounts for the energetic feeling and calm experienced near these sites. Another way ozone is produced is by photons from the sun breaking apart nitrous oxide, a pollutant formed by the combustion of hydrocarbons in the internal combustion engine. These are the forms of ozone created by natural processes in the atmosphere.” – Dr Pressman